Other Feedback What else did you like/dislike about the cabin or what do you hope to have at future event facilities?
Caterer On a scale of 1-10 (1 being the worst and 10 the best food and service you’ve ever had), how would you rate the caterer?
Future Retreat Catering What kind of food services would you like to see offered at future retreats?
What was your favorite presentation from Workshop #1 – Writing?? Unputdownable – Becca Wilhite Finding (Researching) The Perfect Book Idea – Ashley de Tello Establish Your Goals and Audience – Curtis Howe The Value of a Book: How Writing a Book Can Shape and Improve Your Business – Jackson Calame Outlining and Story Structure – Ashley de Tello How to Write a Bestseller – Ashley de Tello and Madeline Mortensen
What was your favorite presentation from Workshop #5 – Expansion Tracking Your Success and Building Your Business Systems – Jackson Calame Becoming a Thought Leader: How Thought Leaders Leverage and Scale as Authors – Tony Lopes The Creator Economy: How to Keep Your Audience With You – Curtis Howe We're All in This Together: Expansion for Fiction Writers – Becca Wilhite Start Your Website: From Book to Blog to Business – Rick Meekins
What Was Missing? What would you have liked to learn that was not covered? What content would you like to see at future events?
How else can we improve content? We know the timing was an issue! How else could we improve the delivery and organization of the content?
The Writers' Workbook What did you like/dislike about the workbook? What would you add or change?
For Virtual Attendees Please describe your experience. Were you able to hear and see the presentations? Did you feel included? Did you feel you learned the material and got value out of the retreat? Would you recommend virtual tickets in the future?
For In-Person Attendees Were you able to see the presentations and hear the presenters? Are improvements to the technology needed? If so, what would you recommend?
Other Networking Needs What other networking opportunities would you have appreciated? What kind of networking experiences did you have and would like to have again?